MICAH South Chapter Report

24 MICAH South members and community advocates assisted in carrying out the annual HUD mandated Point in Time Count of Homelessness in Dakota County over 1/22 and 1/23.

These volunteers greeted folks at 9 outreach locations including community suppers, food shelves, and a library. They engaged the guests in conversations about housing issues, shared resources, and conducted surveys about homelessness.

These men and women participate annually in gathering valuable information to develop a better understanding of homelessness in our community, what resources are needed and the best ways to use them to end homelessness.

MICAH South is continuing to support the development of a Host Home program to address youth homelessness in Dakota County through Heading Home Dakota.

We are working to engage the community in building support and raising funds to get this much needed initiative off the ground. Host homes are a temporary, community-based housing solution provided by volunteers in their homes for young persons who need a safe place to stay.

If your household is interested in becoming a Host Home in Dakota county you are invited to contact Jesse Mamaril at the YMCA: Jesse.Mamaril@ymcamn.org.