What Can I Do?

1. Be a welcoming neighbor. Love and treat others the way you want to be treated.

2. Become informed

3. Download the System Statements for the comprehensive plans for cities and townships in the Twin Cities Region. (On the left of the page are useful documents like “Local Planning”, "Comprehensive Planning" and "Local Planning Assistance". ) Find your county and city in the list of system statements. Click the one for your city. On pages 4 and 5, are the forecasts for population, households, and employment for your city.

4. Call your City‘s Planner and ask for:

a. Time schedule for the development of your City’s Comprehensive Plan

b. Opportunities for Community Input- Housing Committee, public hearings

c. Opportunity to meet and discuss the plan.

5. Meet with other people from your City and develop a plan for how you will follow the development of the Comprehensive Plan process and how you will be involved.

Together, We can be a welcoming community where everyone without exception has a decent, safe, accessible and affordable HOME!

Specific Questions

1. Where in the process is our city currently regarding development of its comprehensive plan?

2. When will the process involve planning for future housing needs?

3. I have seen that Regional Development guide for Thrive MSP 2040 has determined the 2021-2030 regional need for affordable housing (households earning 80% or less than the area median income) is _____units, is that consistent with the city’s plans?

4. When and how can the public give input on housing policy?

5. Do you currently require a component of affordable housing for new developments?

6. Are there any current development projects that include affordable housing?

7. Any planned high-density developments that do not include affordable units?

8. How are you ensuring Naturally Occurring Affordable Housing (NOAH) units are being preserved? What steps are you taking to retain current affordable housing? ( Are residents with low incomes protected in any way, when currently affordable apartment buildings are being renovated?)

MICAH’s recommendations to be included each Comp Plan

1. People impacted by affordable housing, people experiencing homelessness, renters, homeowners) are at planning and decision table. (Utilize 1994 Federal Ex. Order 12898- Environmental Justice-by identifying and addressing as appropriate disproportionately high and adverse human health or environmental effects of its programs policies and activities on minority and low income populations.)

2. Account for all NOAH properties including apartments, single family homes, co-housing, manufactured homes. Identify all at risk. Change Licensing Law to require landlords to accept subsidies and keep residents at current rent levels. Please see Housing Justice’s recommendations.

3. Ensure zoned land for multi- family is dispersed throughout the community. Inclusionary zoning.

Cities throughout Hennepin County are considering ordinances to preserve existing affordable housing, prevent residents from experiencing involuntary displacement, and create new affordable housing units. While the proposed solutions vary based on a city's needs and housing landscape, the Suburban Hennepin Housing Coalition is recommending cities adopt the following ordinances.

4. Ensure Amended Analysis of Impediment to Further Fair Housing recommendations are included in plan: pages 223-231 of the Addendum to the 2014 Regional AI.

5. Include plan to increase City funding investment in affordable housing.

6. Businesses creating jobs over $15/hour should receive priority for any business tax breaks from the community. (Jobs under $15/hour create a greater demand for other subsidies from tax payers including but not limited to housing, food, health care , transportation and child care assistance)