NE Chapter Legislative Breakfast Report

Held on a snowy Tuesday morning at Ascension Episcopal Church in Stillwater, over 35 people came to support affordable housing at the NorthEast Suburban Chapter Legislative Breakfast on January 14 2020.

On hand were:
Senator Karin Housely, Representative Bob Dettmer, Representative Ami Waslawik, Senator Chuck Wiger, Representative Peter Fischer, Representative Shelly Christensen, County Commissioner Gary Kriesel and White Bear Lake Mayor Jo Emerson

The morning was started by the moving testimony of a woman at the edges of homelessness; who had family and health concerns that had pushed her from a middle class comfort to couches, cars, and basement living.

A panel of experts including: Representatives Dettmer and Waslawik, Senator Wiger, Commissioner Kriesel, Washington County Community Development Agency Executive Director Barbara Dacy, and MICAH Executive Director Sue Watlov Phillips spoke.

They answered two questions – what is the most important segment of the housing issue facing us, and what will you be doing in the coming year to help make that happen?

“Support the bonding bill” was Rep. Waslawik’s answer, as several panelists focused on Governor Tim Walz’s $276 million dollar affordable housing bonding proposal. Affordable housing is a high priority for the governor. We also had the committee chairs from a bi-partisan house task force speak up.

This was another successful breakfast, in a beautiful setting with committed people. We moved forward the cause of affordable housing in the northeastern suburbs!
